Changelog ========= 2.6.1 (June 05, 2020) --------------------- - SSL_PROTOCOL fix for python < 2.7.13 2.6.0 (June 04, 2020) ------------------------- - Added time/space_coinc_far fields to support RAVEN - Testing and packaging changes. 2.5.0 (November 25, 2019) ------------------------- - Add RAVEN fields to updateSuperevent - Add RAVEN VOEvent support to createVOEvent - Remove patch to support Python 2.6 and earlier. 2.4.0 (August 21, 2019) --------------------- - Change minimum required version of ``six`` to 1.9.0 - Add client method for updating GRB event parameters - Add CLI method for updating GRB event parameters 2.3.0 (July 17, 2019) --------------------- - Add feature for reloading an expired X.509 certificate - Add utility function for checking user account on the server - Add comprehensive documentation - Add functionality for getting server code version - Add linting functionality and lint the entire code base - Convert ``show`` command to ``info`` for command-line interface - Bugfix handling of :obj:`dict` response in command-line interface - Bugfix assumption that ``$HOME`` exists - Bugfix ``fail_if_noauth`` implementation in client - Bugfix bad uses of ``sys.hexversion`` to check Python version - Improve certificate handling and expiration checks 2.2.2 (March 8, 2019) --------------------- - Bugfix for Python 3 compatibility: remove all usage of ``dict.keys()`` and ``dict.values()`` - Bugfix handling of :obj:`bytes` responses in command-line interface - Improve command-line interface help 2.2.1 (March 1, 2019) --------------------- - Bugfix default service URL for command-line interface - Bugfix packaging 2.2.0 (February 22, 2019) ------------------------- - Full rework of command-line tool - Add option for handling legacy ``tagname`` kwarg (instead of ``tag_name``) to :py:meth:`` - Add optional ``MassGap`` parameter to :py:meth:`` 2.1.2 (February 5, 2019) ------------------------ - Remove ``skymap_image_filename`` from :py:meth:`` - Add optional kwarg ``max_results`` to :py:meth:`` and :py:meth:`` - Improve testing configuration by adding pytest and tox 2.1.1 (December 5, 2018) ------------------------ - Add new optional parameters to :py:meth:``: - ``BNS``: probability that source is a binary neutron star merger - ``NSBH``: probability that source is a neutron star - black hole binary merger - ``BBH``: probability that the source is a binary black hole merger - ``Terrestrial``: probability that the source is a background noise fluctuation or glitch - Remove one optional parameter from :py:meth:``: ``vetted``, specifying whether the candidate has undergone basic human vetting - Minor bugfixes/changes to integration tests 2.1.0 (November 29, 2018) ------------------------- - Improve error handling for failed attempts to get service information from API - Consolidate all authentication types under a single client class - Add unit tests for handling of credentials 2.0.1 (October 3, 2018) ----------------------- - Bugfix for truthiness checks for numeric arguments - Remove permissions detail retrieval (no longer available on server) 2.0.0 (September 25, 2018) -------------------------- - Add comprehensive compatibility for Python 3.4+ - Add functionality for managing superevent signoffs and permissions - Remove temporary deprecation measure for including VOEvent file text in response - Add an option for specifying a server API version - Update unit tests 2.0.0.dev1 (July 25, 2018) -------------------------- - Add CI configuration - Update and centralize package version handling - Remove ``bin/gracedb`` executable, now built by as an ``entry_point`` - Add client version to request headers - Implement temporary measure for backwards compatibility - "fake" VOEvent file text in response - Add superevent categories 2.0.0.dev0 (June 28, 2018) -------------------------- - Identical to 1.29.dev1 other than packaging changes, but it was decided after the fact that we should bump the major version number 1.29.dev1 (June 21, 2018) ------------------------- - More new features for creating and managing superevents 1.29.dev0 (May 31, 2018) ------------------------ - New features for creating and managing superevents 1.28 (April 24, 2018) --------------------- - Various fixes for Python 3 1.27 (February 13, 2018) ------------------------ - Change ``DEFAULT_SERVICE_URL`` used by command-line client to match other instances - Update organization of full unit test suite 1.26 (December 1, 2017) ----------------------- - Significant restructuring of unit tests - Add several unit tests - Update :py:meth:`` method to properly handle multiple labels and to work with upcoming server code changes - Fix whitespace issues 1.25 (August 2, 2017) --------------------- - Fix packages ``provide``, ``requirements``, and build dependencies - Add ability to create events with labels to the command-line client - Add ability to set offline parameter with the command-line client - Update unit tests 1.24 (May 25, 2017) ------------------- - Add a check on .netrc file permissions - Add capability to create events with labels attached - Add offline boolean parameter when creating events 1.23 (February 3, 2017) ----------------------- - Improve exception handling and display of tracebacks in REST client - Catch and handle exceptions in logging handler - Update of dependencies 1.22 (January 10, 2017) ----------------------- - Fix bug related to decoding logs - Improve log handler cleanup - Remove calls to ``sys.exit()`` from :py:mod:`` 1.21 (December 13, 2016) ------------------------ - Modernize Debian packaging and port to Python 2 and 3 - Make logging handler non-blocking 1.20 (February 11, 2016) ------------------------ - Improve error handling for expired or missing credentials - Improved error handling when server returns non-JSON response - Added ``--use-basic-auth`` option to command-line client 1.19.1 (October 22, 2015) ------------------------- - Force TLSv1 for Python versions less than 2.7.9 - Change ```` to put retry-after in the JSON response for 429 respose codes - Changed test service URL to - Introduced wait time to test suite 1.19 (July 29, 2015) -------------------- - Bugfixes: comma separated strings for EM Observations and CLI ``createLog`` call - Capture of additional kwargs to facilitate HardwareInjection event upload - Packaging improvements (ligo as namespace package) 1.18 (May 13, 2015) ------------------- - Add comment to EM Observation record - Allow Python lists as arguments to writeEMObservation - Changed ligo to namespace package 1.18.dev0 (April 20, 2015) -------------------------- - New features for robotic basic auth - New features for EM observation records 1.17 (March 25, 2015) --------------------- - Bugfix for Python version incompatibility in 1.16 - New methods/tests for creating and retrieving VOEvents - Bugfix for gittag test 1.16 (February 11, 2015) ------------------------ - Fixes for glue 1.47 to the command line client - Use SSLContext and explicitly turn off client-side server verification - Fix for command that lists groups, pipelines, and searches - Allow multiple tags to be added to an event log at creation time - Updates to unit test data 1.15 (October 31, 2015) ----------------------- - Features for EMBB Event Log upload and retrieval - Changes for (Group,Type) -> (Group,Pipeline,Search) transition - Added docstrings 1.14 (December 18, 2013) ------------------------ - Fixed 10 and 1000 event limits. Corresponds to issues 986 and 787 (on redmine page) 1.13 (June 28, 2013) -------------------- - Fixed renegotiation regression. Corresponds to issue 951 (on redmine page) 1.12 (June 27, 2013) -------------------- - Changed client to use REST API exclusively - Extended REST API to include all API functionality 1.11 (January 24, 2013) ----------------------- - Re-add ``--with python2`` to match other ligo-* Python modules - Fix bug where stdin is specified, it is not actually read - Add python-ligo-common to dependencies 1.10 (January 18, 2013) ----------------------- - CLI replace feature had subtle openssl bug; now using REST client - Typo in help text - Typo in wrt CWB test data - Remove ``--with-python2`` from debian/rules 1.9 (January 16, 2013) ---------------------- - Add slot feature to command line interface - Add unit tests for CLI slot feature - Add rudimentary test code documentation 1.8 (January 4, 2013) --------------------- - Incorporate Leo's patch for fixing import problem 1.7 (December 21, 2012) ----------------------- - Add workaround for Python bug - Add Leo Singer's convenience classes for logging 1.6 (December 19, 2012) ----------------------- - Fix some typos - Add more unit tests for GraceDb class - Add test script for command line client - Improve unit tests' usability 1.5 (December 12, 2012) ----------------------- - Source 3.0 format - Add support for REST API - Add unit tests and test data 1.4 (July 19, 2012) ------------------- - Fixed SSL renegotiation bug on large file upload. 1.3 (June 14, 2012) ------------------- - Replace simplejson with cjson because simplejson is not available everywhere in the LSC 1.2 (June 11, 2012) ------------------- - Add file download command 1.1 (January 22, 2012) ---------------------- - Bug Fix. 1.0 (November 1, 2011) ---------------------- - Initial release